How to love your family photo session

What’s the best way to have a relaxed and successful family photo session? Some pre-planning and preparation, a deep breath and a commitment to just enjoy your family for a little while!

The most important thing to remember is that this should be fun. When you look at these photos, you want them to bring you happy memories. You’ll want the kids to look at them and remember that nice time, and how much their parents loved them and enjoyed their company. Never present the photo session as a nasty chore, and bad thing to be suffered through, or something so unpleasant that it requires a bribe at the end – these are guaranteed to fail. Try not to scold them – whatever they are up to, your warmth and playfulness are the very best things to bring them back and keep things on track.

What to wear

First of all, spend a little time a few weeks ahead of the session deciding what everyone will wear. For some specific tips, here is my What-to-Wear Guide for Families. Lay them all out together and see if you like how they look. If you want a second opinion you are welcome to send me a photo. The most important things to avoid are yellow, very bright colors, and glasses with transitional lenses. Get it all sorted out ahead of time so you don’t have to worry about it on the day.

What are we doing?

Second, involve your kids in this project. Show them photos that you already have around your house. Tell them how we will be making some new photos to put on your wall or on your desk, and maybe grandparents and other special people will be enjoying these photos too. Make sure to tell them what will happen – you will meet me outdoors (a friendly person with a big camera!) and we will take some photos. Here is my Family Portrait Session Guide for more details.

Enjoy your family!

Most importantly, you as parents are the ingredient that will make this session sparkle. I will give you lots of guidance and games designed to keep everyone close and get some natural smiles and laughs. Be ready to engage with your kids in this – it’s the way we’ll get both the natural looking-at-the-camera photos as well as the more candid ones. Just be ready to snuggle and love on them and have some fun with them.

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