Getting ready | for guys

Maybe you like to look sharp and you already have some great outfits in mind for your senior portraits. Or maybe this is all your mom’s idea and you’re just keeping her happy. Either way, planning ahead and thinking about a few details will help your session go smoothly and result in some awesome images that you will be proud of. Senior year is a busy time, and the coming months will be busy. You will need photos for the yearbook, announcements, gifts for family and friends, and even for Linked-In and resumes.  We will spend at least part of your session capturing those relaxed, classic portraits that will be perfect for the yearbook, your grandma’s wall, and all those other graduation-related necessities. We’ll do some fun shots too - playing guitar, playing with your dog - to round out your gallery for a varied selection of images.

Senior boy portraits outdoors by senior photographer Alison Smith

Getting started

Let’s get started. Your session includes between two and four outfit changes, depending on which one you have booked.

The basics

Most guys will bring jeans and/or some khaki shorts, and a couple of nice shirts. This works really well. If you want to stop right here, you can. Usually you will want at least one of your shirts to have a collar. Whether it’s a polo shirt or a casual dress shirt, this will be a relaxed, versatile look that will photograph well.

Taking it further: Some guys like to dress it up with a shirt and tie with khakis or dress pants. A sweater or jacket adds some great variety without a complete outfit change. Some like to add a sports uniform. These are great but not required.

Good fit and color are important. Grab a few favorites from your closet. Look in a mirror and ask yourself:

  • Does it look good?
  • Does it fit me? Have I grown out of it since I last wore it? (It happens!)
  • Is it a great color for me?
Outdoor senior portraits in Portland, Oregon by photographer Alison Smith

The details: Shoes, belt, socks, undershirt

What shoes are you going to wear? You may not have a lot to choose from, but make sure you put some thought into the shoes you are going to wear. Good choices are always Converse, Vans, Sperrys, hiking boots, leather boots or dress shoes - they all look good with jeans or a dressier look. White tennis shoes are not usually a good look with long pants. Think about your socks too. If you’re wearing long pants, your socks will show when you sit down. If you’re wearing shorts, make sure you know what socks you’re wearing with them. A lot of moms don’t like the look of black socks with your shorts! Are you going to wear anything under your shirt? A lot of guys will wear a white crew or v-neck tee under a relaxed button-down shirt with an open collar; some guys choose a colored tee. Either way, make sure you try it on beforehand, make sure it looks good and make a plan.

Senior portrait outdoors by Portland photographer Alison Smith


Nature tones and jewel tones are always good - blues, greens, neutrals, browns, dark red, deep purple. Colors to avoid - anything neon, and large amounts of very bright solid shades of red, orange and bright yellow (some orange in the plaid of your shirt is awesome, but a solid OSU-orange t-shirt won’t look so great; a rich cranberry colored shirt is lovely, but solid firetruck red is not so much - these colors don't photograph well, detract from your portraits and create reflected color casts on your skin). If you’re wondering about whether a favorite shirt will work, snap a quick phone pic and send it to me! Need something new but don't want to go shopping? I've had clients find great shirts at Fred Meyer and TJ Maxx, and also online from American Eagle or Gap.

Senior boys portraits by Senior photographer Alison Smith



Get your hair cut a week or two before the shoot - this will give it time to get just right length-wise.


If your session is in the evening, you might have a bit of a 5 o’clock shadow by the time session time rolls around, so be sure to shave when you’re getting ready.


Clean teeth are a must - give them a good brush before the session.


If your lips are chapped, use chapstick over the day or two before the session.


Don’t worry about blemishes - we’ll take care of it with lighting and post-processing and you’ll look awesome. Just make sure your face is clean, and if your skin tends to be oily get some Clean and Clear blotting sheets - you can get them at Fred Meyer and they do an amazing job eliminating shine.

Senior portraits by Portland photographer Alison Smith

Tell your story

Think about including clothing and accessories that can visually define your interests. Are any sports or hobbies a very important part of who you are? Guys often really enjoy this - I've lost count of how many guys have really relaxed and got a sparkle in their eye when we get to the part of their session that includes their dog/truck/favorite hat/baseball mitt. By including the props that are special to you, you add an extra dimension to your portraits. Think about bringing your soccer ball, baseball mitt, musical instrument, track spikes, or part of your football uniform. If you will not be continuing with your sport or instrument after high school, including it in your portraits is a nice touch. If your dad has been involved in your sport for many years, think about bringing him along for a quick shot or two.

Think outside the box too. Bring your camera, your bike, your favorite hat or your guitar. Bring your favorite book or your dog. Let me know what you’re bringing beforehand so I can make a plan. Want to include the whole family? When the kids leave for college, it gets harder and harder to find the time for a family portrait. And you'll want a nice shot of the fam for your dorm room! Whether it's just a couple of quick shots or a more significant part of your session, I'm always happy to work this in for you.

Senior portrait with baseball by Gig Harbor photographer Alison Smith

Don't forget

  • Your clothes
  • Belt
  • Socks
  • Shoes
  • Any sports equipment, uniform pieces or instruments


Lots of people tell me they were nervous at first, and were surprised that they actually had a good time. So don't worry!

portland senior portrait by photographer Alison Smith

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